I’m based in Gorey, Ireland. I teach photography and filmmaking at Gorey School of Art and I am one of the founders of Periphery Space, a not-for-profit art space in North Wexford.
Throughout the 2000s I made paintings, photographs, installations and films but in 2011, I stopped. I lost direction and my work lacked purpose. Around this time I began to lead Gorey School of Art in a new job role, which opened up new challenges and opportunities. After a few years we had a new building with a dedicated gallery space and cinema. Periphery Space was born.
Working with James Merrigan, Emma Roche and Deirdre Robinson in developing exhibitions, film screenings, workshops and residencies over the past few years has led me to a place where I am making work again.
Academic Qualifications and Achievements
2006      M.A. Virtual Realities, National College of Art and Design, Dublin
2003      Founding member of Gorey School of Art, Wexford, Ireland
2001       B.A. Fine Art, National College of Art and Design, Dublin

Solo Exhibitions
2006      Space and Place, Leinster Gallery, Dublin

Selected Group Exhibitions and Publications
2010       Éigse (Invited Artist), Carlow 
2009      Annual Show, Royal Hibernian Academy
2007      Cead in China, Eastlink Gallery, Shanghai, China
2006      Reflections, Switch Room Gallery, Belfast
2006      Art of the State, Muckross House, Kerry
2006      Work selected for publication by Office of Public Works
2006      Genius Loci, NCAD Postgraduate Show, Dublin
2003      Contemporary Irish Art, Opera Festival, Wexford
2001      De-Ox ribonucleic Acid (DNA) , NCAD, Dublin
2000      Odyssey 2001, Civic Offices, Dublin
1999      Work selected for publication by Vision
1999      Group Show, Gorey Artists Foundation, Wexford
1998      Three Painters, Gorey Summer Fair, Wexford

Kevin Kelly, Board of Directors, IMMA

2006     Invited speaker at a Research Symposium at NCAD. This was the first postgraduate research symposium and provided an opportunity for staff and student researchers in art, design, education, history and theory to critically interact and exchange ideas. Internationally renowned critic and author of "Vitamin P" Barry Schwabsky was also a guest speaker.
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